about me


meg / meggy / limlim / 20 / nursing student / aries

my dislikes
  • bigots
  • mean people
  • yellow bell peppers
my interests
  • knitting
  • crocheting
  • web-design
  • gaming
  • singing
  • thrifting
blinkie blinkie

Hi. I'm Meg. This is my website! I haven't done anything like this before, so don't be too harsh lol. I did try to learn code in my freshman year of highschool. I think java maybe? I don't remember. So I'll just consider this my first attempt at actually coding something. I decided to start this project because of my friend Princess :D. His looked really cool and like I said, I wanted a place to just create and dump everything that catches my eye. I think the search is over. I tried painting, blockprinting, jewelry making, editing, graphic design, sculpting, and lots of other things. Nothing really stuck or incorporated all of my ideas the way I wanted. So I wasn't really satisfied until I started making this website. I still enjoy crocheting and knitting though.

I'm a second year nursing student. I start clinicals soon. Once this is up I'll have probably gone to most of my clinicals for the summer. I really want to start documenting my experiences during school, so expect me to write a lot about that in my blog. I really like it so far. I would say I love it, but I haven't gotten to the real part of it yet (clinicals and actually working).

I love music. I have a lot of favorite genres, but I don't think I can name them ykwim? I think like alternative, indie, shoegaze, hyperpop, electronic dance pop? idk. I know that there's a distinction between a lot of the songs I listen to, but I couldn't say the genre it fits into. I don't like sentimental sad music. I do listen to it sometimes, but I generally think it feels draining. I also used to make covers and that was fun, but I'm a little too busy now.

I like to think I'm a go with the flow type of person, but I'm not. I overthink a lot and I get really anxious most of the time. My blog will also probably have some anxious rambling, so expect that too. I don't know how to describe myself really. I've been told I'm a hothead and I'm not good at hiding how I feel on my face. I like to think I'm a nice person irl, but I also love to be a hater. uhhhhh what else. I have two dogs. That's it for now.